A New Learning Curve: Video Editing

Over the fourth of July Holiday my wife and I visited family in New Jersey. We spent a few days there and made some great memories with the family. Towards the end of the trip, my brother in law, Randy made an impressive video compilation of memories from some of the trip – adding in music and transition effects between pictures and videos.

I have never done any major video editing and it is a skill that I would like to learn – something that could be useful in preserving family memories in a fun way.

For my CEP 810 Networked Learning Project, I will attempt to learn the mechanics of video editing – transitions, photos, video-compilations, sounds, songs – and possibly more depending on what kind of new information I find.

I will be using OpenShot (an open source software made for linux), a software that I have no experience using. Doing a simple search in YouTube, I have found hundreds of videos dealing with OpenShot, so I do not think I will have a lack of information to delve into.

By the end of the course I want to create my own video compilation (around 5 min) of family vacation using OpenShot that uses transitions, pictures, videos, songs, sound effects and possibly any other features that I find useful.

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1 Response to A New Learning Curve: Video Editing

  1. mjwhite61 says:

    For a minute I thought you were going to learn iMovie! I have it and used to be quite proficient, but they keep adding new features to it and I have fallen behind. OpenShot looks neat.

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